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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Handling a Poor Choice for a Blind Date

For more information about our services, including online dating profile rewrites and critiques, live workshops on approaching women and starting conversations as well as private coaching sessions, click here.

Hi guys. Quick question. What do I do if I arrive at a blind date and have no interest in the physical appearance of the girl I've been set up with? What's the best way to handle it? - M.T., Hoboken, NJ

This may seem complicated, but it need not be. First of all, from now on if looks are a major concern (aren't they to most everyone?), make sure you get a picture of the person before you set up a meeting. This will help to ensure that there are no hard feelings. Also, as we have said in the past, always make sure your first meeting is an informal one. Check out this article for planning a first meeting.

Always handle situations like this with class and tact. Don't hurt feelings, but don't lead anyone on. Be cordial and polite, being sure to spare feelings. How would you like it if you met someone, and were interested, and they said you were "not there type" or worse, fat, ugly, bald, etc. Try not to totally destroy what little self esteem this person may have. Stay for a reasonable amount of time, then thank the person for meeting. If asked by the blind date or your friend who set you up, simply say you didn't feel a connection. Below is a clip from "The Chair Model" episode of "The Office" that, although humorous, is exactly what you should not do.

Special thanks to JayDingo for finding this clip!

Alexander Stone & Stephen David
Copyright 2008 - All rights reserved
Online Dating Edge / Approach Dynamics


Anonymous said...

My answer is to be nice, polite, and slip into the conversation something about being really right wing and pro-life. Since most urban single chicks are pretty politically liberal, this has a high chance of being successful. When the expression on her face turns into a grimace, you know you've done your job right.

You better have a backup plan on the off-chance she agrees with you! Of course, your plan could backfire -- The woman could fix you up with her attractive, pro-life friend!

Anonymous said...

Or just be really agressive... try and make moves on her... even if it backfires, you score!

Anonymous said...

link is dead