More of what NOT to say at a FIRST MEETING
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We've handled the topic of what you can an CANNOT talk about on a first meeting more than once. Here's one such article, but you can do a search for more using the search bar up at the top left of this page. Erin Flaherty of Shine has put together a top 10 of "what not to say on a first date." Her top five are:
1. "My ex is crazy."
2. "I would like to get married and have kids asap."
3. "Who are you voting for?"
4. "Can you pay the check? I'm broke."
5. "What's your favorite TV show?"
All are weak attempts at conversation or definite no-nos, but there are many other areas to stay clear of. For example:
1. "I have the biggest porn collection of all my friends."
2. "I use to get excited when Bugs would dress up as the girl rabbit." (Thanks Garth.)
3. "My wife/husband is such a pain in the ass." (Unless you are both planning an affair!)
4. "I knew I should have taken one more hit this morning."
5. "One time in band camp..."
6. "I have this terrible itching and redness."
Happy dating!
Alexander Stone & Stephen David
Copyright 2008 - All rights reserved
Online Dating Edge / Approach Dynamics
itching and redness... that one takes the cake
the best way to get her attention is to really surprise her with gifts and lots of attention.
That third one in which you ask "Who are you voting for?" is particularly bad. You should ask, "For whom are you voting?" MUCH better grammar!
Gus, correcting the grammar of one Erin Flaherty. I hate her too.
Here's one for the list: "So, they thought they were genital warts."
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