Dating: Being in 'Range'
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I got this idea from an episode of 21 Jump Street.
The Asian cop had been nervous as hell about his detective's interview during most of the episode. Finally, as he is driving to the place, he arrives at the parking lot and almost gets into an accident with another vehicle. Without thinking, he yells something nasty at the other driver - who, of course, turns out to be the guy that is supposed to interview him!
What can we learn from this? If you are heading to a date, don't do anything stupid once you are in 'range' of the place you are going.
Depending on the geography of the place you are going, 'range' can be anywhere from a few blocks away to a parking lot to the distance from the subway station to the bar. It's really a case by case analysis, but I think you just know where the boundaries are.
Here's what you do - once you are in 'range,' pretend that the person you are meeting can see and hear everything. Would you want her to see you scratching your balls, making plans with another woman for the next night or being rude to a hostess?
Basically, just be more aware of your surroundings once you are close by. I was once told a story of a guy who, while waiting in the parking lot, let one rip - just as the woman knocked on his window! Don't be THAT dude.
Alexander Stone & Stephen David
Copyright 2007 - All rights reserved
Online Dating Edge / Approach Dynamics
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