Dating and Facebook
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There are basically two ways that Facebook can be used to find a date. The most commonly used method is to use it as a supplement to a traditional online dating site like JDate or This is accomplished by using Facebook or other social networking sites to increase or escalate your connection with an individual by adding them to your friends list. The second is to use it as an online dating tool by joining interest groups and/or meeting friends of friends.
But please take caution when using Facebook to escalate your connections with someone you just met. Although we don't recommend immediately adding a potential mate to your friends list, it nonetheless seems to be more and more frequently done. We have written in the past about insuring that your profile is congruent with who you are - that is to say it accurately reflects the person you are. Your Facebook account should do the same.
An article in the July 14, 2009 Financial Times, If granny would disapprove, don't put it on the net, by Rhymer Rigby, elucidated two great points. The first one is something we all know, but many of us don't seem to take into account - what is posted on Facebook, Linkedin, Myspace, Twitter or any other social networking site is there for the world to see. Yes there are privacy settings, but one should also abide by the precautionary principle: If you aren't proud of it, don't post it.
The second point, that 'you are who your profile says you are' was made in reference to going on a job interview. However, the following quote is also paramount for online daters: "your profile on Facebook should be broadly the same as the person you present at an interview." Be who your profile says you are. No matter what your present situation is, there are many ways of presenting yourself in your best light, and that is what Online Dating Edge is all about.
Alexander Stone & Stephen David
Copyright 2009 - All rights reserved
Online Dating Edge / Approach Dynamics
COuld you write something a little more in depth on FB and other SN sites? Much appreciated.
How to Meet Women on Facebook and Other Social Networking Sites
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