Dating Tips From Warren Buffett
I sat back today to read over the annual report for Berkshire Hathaway, which I do every year and suggest that if you are interested in investing, you do the same.
Anyway, let me get to the point and how this relates to dating and approaching women...
Here is an excerpt from Warren Buffett:
"Our exemplar is the older man who crashed his grocery cart into that of a much younger fellow while both were shopping. The elderly man explained apologetically that he had lost track of his wife and was preoccupied searching for her. His new acquaintance said that by coincidence his wife had also wandered off and suggested that it might be more efficient if they jointly looked for the two women. Agreeing, the older man asked his new companion what his wife looked like. 'She’s a gorgeous blonde, the fellow answered, 'with a body that would cause a bishop to go through a stained glass window, and she’s wearing tight white shorts. How about yours?' The senior citizen wasted no words: 'Forget her, we’ll look for yours.'"
The point of his story is that in dating, just as investing, if you see a golden opportunity, GO FOR IT! Think of that cute guy or girl from the subway or the bookstore that you were pretty sure was smiling at you, but you didn’t approach for whatever reason. The ‘stained glass window’ represents any perceived obstacles or limiting beliefs that you may have about approaching. Make like the bishop and break through anything that is getting in your way of reaching your goal. Remember, the outcome doesn't matter - it's the fact that you had the balls to try.
If you need help in taking that first step or would like to pick up some pointers, click here or check out our previous post on approach.
Alexander Stone & Stephen David
Copyright 2007 - ApproachDynamics/Online Dating Edge
If only the bishop had told that gorgeous blonde that he was an actuary...
Something else of interest in the annual report- "Temperament is also important. Independent thinking, emotional stability, and a keen understanding of...human...behavior is vital to long-term investment success." as well as meeting a significant other and keeping him or her! WHO KNEW Warren was so smart?
Oh yeh, nice allusion to a past blog article on this site-- found that one funny too!
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