Online Dating: How to Make Your Dating Profile Appealing to Women
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Today we welcome back our female correspondent, Michelle Hill, with her take on internet dating.
Online Dating - A Woman's Perspective:
The whole point of this online dating thing is to actually get out from behind your computer and meet people in real life, right? So how do you make your profile interesting enough, witty enough and intriguing enough to solicit a contact or a response to your email? Here are some tips on what works and what doesn’t work, from a woman’s perspective.
1. Answer all of the questions. Actually put some effort into it. If you don’t put effort into putting your best foot forward, how do you expect to attract the best match for you? How will anyone get to know anything about you? Don’t say things like “Ask me” or “I’ll fill this in later” or “Almost to the character limit”. If you’re too lazy to fill out a silly questionnaire, she’s going to think you’re lazy about lots of other things too.
2. Be original. Better yet, be YOU. Make your profile stand out from the hundreds of other dudes out there who write things like “I like to laugh” and “my friends and family are important to me”. There should be at least three or four things in your profile that can’t be found in anyone else’s. This will give her an idea about what you might have in common or maybe even give her something to comment on in her email.
3. Be descriptive. Give examples of things you’ve done that make you interesting or tell a story about a time you were really funny/adventurous/embarrassed/wasted, whatever. Make it easy for her to visualize the situation. It will make you seem more like a real person, and not just some random anonymous picture on a website.
4. Let’s face it, she’s going to want to know what you look like too. Make sure the picture is a good representation of you. If you don’t have any good pics, ask a friend to take some or bring a camera out with you one night. Those self-portraits taken with camera phones or webcams make you look green and just plain creepy. And smile. Smiling is contagious.
5. Don’t lie. If you lie about your height, the amount of hair on your head, your age, whether or not you have kids, whatever, she’s going to find out. You should be comfortable enough with yourself and your situation to be up front about it. I have a friend who recently went out with a guy who put up a picture of himself with a full head of hair, but when she met up with him, he was totally balding. She was totally fine with the baldness, but couldn’t get past the fact that he had been dishonest.
The most important thing to remember when crafting your profile is that this should be a true representation of you. Spend time making sure it’s good, and you will stand out from the endless sea of other guys out there. Believe me, even if she is not sure how she feels about your appearance, if she’s intrigued by what you’ve written (or more importantly about who you are), she’s going to be much more likely to respond when you reach out to her or even to contact you on her own. And do yourself a favor and apply the same logic when deciding who you want to contact or respond to. If you’re not 100% about her pics but are intrigued by what she’s written, give her a shot. You never know.
By the way, if you’re looking for some professional assistance with your profile, the guys at Approach Dynamics know what they are doing. I may or may not have contacted one of them because his profile was so well written…
Michelle Hill
Alexander Stone & Stephen David
Copyright 2007 - All rights reserved
Online Dating Edge / Approach Dynamics
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