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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

More about Approaching Women

For more information about our services, including online dating profile rewrites and critiques, as well as live approach workshops, click here.

In an earlier post we wrote briefly about approaching women. We gave three important rules to remember before you get up to bat:
1- "It doesn't matter" what anyone thinks of you
2- Not every approach leads to anything

That's all well and good, but you need to do a little bit more in order to improve upon your success.

One of the most important concepts to remember is what we call "PROACTIVE REACTION"

Big words for a simple concept - be prepared and then react!

By going into an approach with a clear plan you GREATLY improve upon your results and prevent the dreaded "over-thinking". Once you have enough practice and experience (and a coach that points out flaws or areas to improve upon), you'll see your success rate improve dramatically.

What do I talk about? How do I start up a conversation? During our seminars and workshops we provide a number of methods. One of the simple ones is our "OSO" approach - an observation, followed by a story, and then an opinion question.

The observation is what "gets you in". The story keeps her interested. And the opinion intrigues her. This simple OSO technique is great whether you are just getting started with "approaching" or even if you consider yourself to be a bit of an artist. In some cases, all you need is the observation to get you in and then things will flow smoothly.

Feel free to mix up the order of the opinion and observation if you like, or even start with the story. Some may preach opening with an opinion, but to us an observational opener is much more natural. Either way, happy "hunting"!

Alexander Stone & Stephen David
Copyright 2007 - All rights reserved
Online Dating Edge / Approach Dynamics


Anonymous said...

Could you give some examples?

Anonymous said...

We received the email. No fear, good example on the way (keep your eyes on the blog). Also, taking part in one of our workshops would be a good idea.
Here to help...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Where are the examples?
You should write an ebook.

-Alexander Stone and Stephen David said...

Sorry for the delay- but we've been swamped! Check out "Field Report: the laughing girls"...
Good luck and hope to see you out!

GettingOut said...

Wow. This is so freaking obvious (OSO), but it works. At the very least it gives you an idea of what to say. My biggest problem is "what do I say if I go up to a girl?" This is a simple rule to follow. Thanks.