Approaching Women: The Benefits of Dancing
Here is a situation a LOT of guys run into while out meeting women. Many of us are afraid to hit the dance floor whether at a club or while out on a date for fear of looking like a dickmunch.
The fact of the matter is that NO ONE is expecting you to have the (DANCE!) moves of Michael Jackson - all you have to do is move to the beat.
But who better to do an article on this topic than a woman! Approach Dynamics is proud to introduce one of our female correspondents, Michelle Hill, with her take on this topic...
Okay guys, you've all been there. You are out on a date with a woman, the dj or the jukebox starts playing a catchy tune, and she wants to DANCE. You don't want to look like a jackass, but then again, you don't want to be the lame guy who doesn't know how to let loose either. What do you do? Here are some strategies to help you deal:
1. Try: You'll lose the most points with a woman if you don't even make an effort. She is inviting you to get close to her and if you refuse, you'll come off looking weak, boring and no fun.
2. Be silly: My ex-boyfriend did not have many skills on the dance floor, but he made up for it by acting goofy and making me laugh. I had so much fun messing around with him, I didn't care if he had two left feet. Even some of the old standbys will get a smile out of the most uptight of women (e.g. the sprinkler, the lawnmower).
3. Twirl her around: Nothing could be easier. Take her hand, spin her around a few times, maybe even throw in a dip or two. Just make sure she doesn't go flying into anyone else. Women love when a man takes control on the dance floor. Not only does it exude masculinity, but it's also LOTS of fun to be flung around.
4. Don't go overboard: By no means, should your arms be waving in the air like you just don't care. Nor should you be 'grinding' her or coming on too strong (unless, of course, she is sending you signals that this is what she's looking for).
5. Keep it simple: If you must fly solo for a bit or have to fill in the spaces between the above steps, just move to the beat. Watch the movie Hitch and master the basic white man step-snap move [arms close to the body at a 45 degree angle, step to one side, then together (snap) and then to the other side, together (snap)]. The movie has some other great tips too, so it won't be an hour and a half wasted.
The most important thing to remember is to enjoy yourself. Dancing can be a great way to flirt and play up the sexual energy you two have going on. You'll have a chance to get closer, check out HER moves and maybe even get yourself another date.
Michelle Hill
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Alexander Stone & Stephen David
Copyright 2007 - Online Dating Edge / Approach Dynamics
1 comment:
Here are the ten best geeky dance videos.
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